Saturday, May 28, 2016

Saturn Retro 2016-12: Heavy and Light

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles), Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles)Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Forecast: 25th May- 8th of June

Sun Ruled/ Saturn malefic: Actually an unique period for you, as Saturn the chief lord of gravity is Retrograde. Make that leap, that jump, utilise that Anti- gravity! Break your existing levels of ennui.  Seize this opportunity to break ground, break dawn, break ice. Initiate. Forget logical fundas. Disconnect with History and Connect with Energy.. now! Change the gears, your cycles of patterns. With DECISIONS that will feel seemingly light, but this light-hearted Levitas will be the axis of decisions around which, a lot of actions and decisions in the coming times will revolve...

Saturn Ruled/ Sun malefic: An unique period for you to connect to Gravitas, heaviness, stillness, regression, and rootedness. Saturn you karaka Lord, is retrograde, so time to FUSE/ Infuse your Body/ Mind/ Soul to ancient glacial ice ages. A perfect time for regression. Connecting to history. Pay your mandatory tribute to

Because this is the Saturnine blog, and I'm Saturn ruled, I'll continue below, with the mandatory description of the heaviness, complex layers of my own Saturnine experience, of this heavy phase. A Saturnine testimony of  the Gravitas, of the Gravitational heaviness of the the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase of Saturn retrograde 2016...

Saturnine Gravitas 2016
I should have done this format much earlier. A general, clear cut forecast coloured in red for the Sun Ruled  and in blue for the Saturn Ruled before moving on to describe the heaviness, complexity, layered seams of the Saturn Retrograde experience from the perspective of the  Saturn Ruled person. But already too much water has gone by the bridge. And I was feeling the overwhelming and mandatory sluggishness of this phase. In fact, it has taken me so much time to reach this format of narrative about Saturn Retrograde, through years of churning, mulling, processing, sorting, sifting, reviewing, retrospecting, historical comparing, analysing, to reach this current format...
Today's post made me realise that, after a periodical tribute to the Sun, father archetype/ King/ Surya leads to a more qualitative Saturnine unravelling. In this blog, i can illustrate the necessary Saturnine heaviness, complexity much lucidly after an occasional simplified paragraph to the Sun Ruled..

Kurma avatar 
Kurma Avatar, is the tortoise manifestation of Vishnu's Dasa Avatar ( 10 manifestations). Kurma Avatar connects to the Saturn, Lord Shanidev. Hence, look closely, in this blog, main page picture, ( seen in PC, not Android) Lord Shanidev is mounted on a ferocious violet tortoise/ Turtle!
The Saturnine person during this time plays the role of the Kurma Avatar of Vishnu, a turtle immersed in the cosmic ocean, UPON whose back the the churning of the cosmic Ocean is taking place. His job is to immerse himself in the churning heaviness of the times. It's his cosmic duty to do this. If he can do that, a lot of things will be proper in people, places, environment connected to him/ her. It's the necessary Saturnine duty!

Reversals: Then- 2009 and Now- 2016
As discussed in the previous four posts..  Saturn-retro-2016-8: Reversal-of-2009, Part 1, and Saturn-retro-2016-9- Reversal-of-2009 Part 02, and Saturn retro-2016-10-reversal-of-2009-Part 03, and  Retro-2016-11-reversal-of-2009-part-04: most Saturn Retrogrades, for me, post 2009, have been a reversal of the great Saturn Retrograde of 2009. A landmark year of crash-down and disaster, yet which, stands as a classic model, a foundation for all Saturn retrograde research and wisdom, for both the Sun Ruled and the Saturnine... 

Then, in Saturn Retro 2009, during the last two weeks of  the 3rd gear, Phase three, I was in the last throes of the month long zen/ militaristic/ Architectural training programme under friend Monindro, at his place in Mumbai. A super solid Martian/ masculine disciplinary programme, which was yet becoming increasingly heavier. Even though, I continued to plough forward against all odds, an with all the iota of Will to Power, the environment continued to swamp us with pitfalls, breakdowns, weird peripheral happenings...
Now, in Saturn Retro 2016, during the last two weeks of  the 3rd gear, Phase three  I am in probably the last throes of the voluntary heaviness. Rooted at my home, hardly gone out, drowning in movies, reading, analysis and meditation on Saturn Retrograde. A cloudy, hazy Neptunian becoming, an internal churning yielding tangential environmental developments around me. Even as I continued to  churning within/ inside,  the Will to surrender, the peripheral areas are showing some tangential luminescence, random glowing lights, like those of Aurora Borealis.

Then, in Saturn Retro 2009, during the last two weeks of  the 3rd gear, Phase three, I was yet floating in Mumbai. Like a man on a mission, whose objective functionality was over, yet undefined, hung on, on the inertial impulse of the starting point. The mandatory isolation from the outside world, a compulsory requirement of the zen/ militaristic/ Architectural training programme under friend Monindro, had started getting to me. 

Now, in Saturn Retro 2016,, during the last two weeks of  the 3rd gear, Phase three, I am yet submerged at home due to many domestic reasons, and issues. But strangely, even though i had restricted myself to home, people from all over, were connecting vociferously to me through phone, net, whats app, facebook, etc. The inertial heaviness of the constriction had still hung on in a predominant manner, yet the hazy, peripheral, fringe trickles of grace, had begun to flood in, in cloudy, nebulous whimsical bursts.
A kind of Cenitrifugal saturnine development. Even as my soul wracked and writhed under the extreme crushing gravitas, akin to the crushing squeeze of a boa constrictor, or a mammoth python, the fringe centrifugal, peripheral events were visible to me, from the squeezed corners of my eye. On that note, there is a boil/ cyst/ whatever on mine left eyelid. There is pain, but that pain is one of release of suppressed energy, a mandatory infection of some sort. i have splashed water on my eyes, and that seems to have stalled it's growth somewhat.

Then, in Saturn Retro 2009, I struggled to stay on the line of line, the axis of the super Martian/ masculine disciplinary programme, exerting every iota of my willpower. Fighting against the overwhelming Gravitas of  the prevailing Saturn Retrograde energies. Fighting against the cloudy, hazy Neptunian cloudiness..
Now, in Saturn Retro 2016, I am exerting my philosophical muscles, my inherent neurasthenia, to ooze out the last pores of the (in)-voluntary heaviness, drowning, immersion into the Gravitas of  Saturn Retrograde, trying to perpetuate this prevailing state of cloudy, hazy Neptunian energies.. I can't imagine that someone would be caught in a position like mine, where one had to voluntarily exert effort to remain in Gravitas, immerse oneself forcefully in cloudiness. To perpetuate the philosophical, mental becoming. As a balance to counter balance, the previous excesses and mistakes of Saturn Retro 2009, and beyond..

The Thousand Retrograde Mistakes of my life [and past life]
Check this post from Saturn Retro 2013:.. Saturn-retro-2013-68-negation-of- negation, wherein I have listed the Saturn Retrograde mistakes of my life. (This sentence that I wrote reminds me of the Chetan Bhagat popular bestseller 'The Three mistakes of my life'. I could write a book.. The Thousand Retrograde Mistakes of my life [and past life]). Thanks to blogging, hyperlinks are possible to previous articles, for the immaculate cross indexed reference, that is mandatory/ necessary for the Saturn retrograde treatises. When I read over this post from Saturn Retro 2013, it makes me understand/ realise my effort/ endeavour during Saturn Retrograde. Undoing, or counter balancing history, or past sweet deeds! Thousands of times have i been suggested by many learned readers of my posts, to use my writing skills for books, art criticism, fiction, etc but Thousands of times have i replied that this cerebral endeavour is to merely counterbalance the Thousands  Retrograde Mistakes of my this life.. [and past life]. Mercury (writing/ intellect/ ability) IS exalted in Virgo, it's thoroughly and unapologetically  obvious to me, but it's in the 12th house of karmic debts..!! So, the Mercurial function can be awesomely used, but as an offering to dissect, and disseminate mistakes and past life misdeeds! Voila! When Saturn is directional I would rather be, what I am, and NOT be this complex, Retrograde aspect of myself!  When Saturn is directional, i just want to be a breezy, shmoozy, trippy dude! ;)

The classic post from saturn Retro 2013
Returning back to this post from Saturn Retro 2013:.. Saturn-retro-2013-68-negation-of- negation, I find a lot of interesting layers/ ground that i have previously touch upon..
In this post, I wrote that.. "The act of getting married and moving base to capital New Delhi, during the inappropriate time, of Saturn Retro 2009 has found me existing in a  pathological/ crippling homesickness ever since. Ideologically trapped ever since, betwixt two worlds, and realities..."
But then, in Saturn Retro 2013, I was actually trying to undo the mistakes of Saturn Retro 2005-6.. by a voluntary return to irresolution..
"This year 2013, finds me submitting to the natural inertia/ conflict/ schizophrenia latent in my hometown Guwahati. Maybe this RETURN/ REGRESSION to former irresolution/ conflict is the true healing process? The perfect Lacanian medicine of Saturn Retrograde. What  Zizek calls.. “Negation of the Negation”.
Further, I wrote about my primal mistake of trying to  “transcend” the gravity of my hometown, during Saturn retro 2005-6. An effort, which completely backfired!
"Like, most others, I too have the desire towards all things radical/ exotic/ abroad/ bidesh.. the OTHER.  Which is a healthy, progressive, drive, essentially, BUT provided, this fascination/ longing for the other shore/ greener pastures has appropriate approach/ timing. Otherwise, such an attempt/ endeavour during the slippery timing of Saturn Retrograde, always backfires and makes one reach the farthest backwaters of the very swamps, one had been trying to transcend.."
And, right now, by disseminating this post from Saturn Retro 2013, I am merely trying to further the Heaviness/ Centripetal Regressive Retrospection that is the order, fashion and need of the Saturn Retrograde period. This Centripetal movement defines the essential approach of a Saturnine during Saturn Retrograde.. to access the cycles within cycles of history, to enter into the layers beneath layers within ourselves. Entering the labyrinth within, in a systematic and geological manner.

...updated later in installments...

Update: 29th May, Sunday
This post Heavy and Light is now dripping forward like visceral molasses, by virtue of it's own inertia. An inertia, which perfectly depicts the last two weeks of  the 3rd gearPhase three of Saturn Retro.
 Centre v.s Periphery-  Retro 2009 and  2013
Then, in Saturn Retro 2009, I persisted to stay on the line of the super Martian/ masculine disciplinary programme. Not by exerting my willpower, but by pure mechanical reflex. Somehow, despite the overwhelming peripheral Gravitas, I had managed to keep my central core of fire/ zeal, endeavour alive.
Now, inversely, in Saturn Retro 2016, Sunday, despite the many peripheral outbreaks, by virtue of pure mechanical/ inertial reflex, my central core of heaviness continues.  And, yes, (in)voluntarily, I'm reversing the misplaced zeal of Retro 2009, by a very cumbersome, inconvenient, and stubborn reticence,  resistance to motion, to movement. Although, the peripheral temptation is exceedingly high, but somehow the inner Core of my Gravitas persists. Maybe, the historical hindsight, the wisdom of past bitterness, helps in overcoming the temptation. Sometimes, bitterness and fear are very good teachers. Sometimes, failure is very necessary as a foundation pillar for future endeavours. My this very act of stubbornly persisting to extend this particular post "Heavy and Light" is the direct actuation of this Retrograde process. 
But in inverse /contrast/ reverse to Retro 2009, the peripheral breakthroughs of Retro 2016, the bedazzling radical becomings,  around me is actually making me giddy,  but I continue to persevere on the retrograde axis. By my estimate of retro 2009, after sometime, the anti- Gravitas should be most strong as the week unfolds..

 Mind/ Will v.s Matter/ Inertia-  Retro 2009 and  2013
Then, in Saturn Retro 2009, I persisted with my mind, my Will force to resist the peripheral inertia of matter around me, rapidly closing in. I stood like the last man standing tall, in an sci-fi action film, even as the hordes of invading droids/ insects/ aliens converged in upon him. 
Now, inversely, in Saturn Retro 2016, the many peripheral outbreaks, by virtue of their pure mechanical/ inertial force have closed upon me, uncountable multiple of times.My will/ soul/ matter and timbre have already fallen to the affectations of the invading Centripetal inertia of Matter, mindless substance. My Mind has uncountably succumbed to Matter. 
Inward/ Centripetal movement/ 
One thing, I feel confident about such a long post IS that, no one would read it this far. especially, after the updates/ installments of this post. After a humongous amount of data upload, public domain truly becomes private in the truest of sense. In this stretch of the blog post, it's me talking to myself. compiling and archiving the narrative for my astrological data reference on Saturn Retrograde. Also, it's awesome that such a public, portal like blog, can afford one, this inward/ Centripetal movement/ journey. My soul, trying to divest the inherent Cyclic motion of my soul, the Retrograde gene in my bloodstream, through a method of regressive/ cathartic writing! I'm sure, even all this is on a public portal, NO one would venture so far down this updated in installments post, NO one would venture so far into the my guts/ innards, the very entrails of Saturn retrograde
But, I must say, this regressive writing/ Centripetal movement, feels SO good, somewhere inside. the body chemistry responding to a right act, in the right Retro time. Other than these last two weeks of the 3rd gearPhase three of Saturn Retro, 2016, I don't think I would have been able to afford the Gravitational stamina, to plumb so far down and deep into the viscera/ entrails of the Saturn Retro phenomenon. 

Mumbai reverse/ inverse 
In Saturn Retro 2009, during the month long zen/ Architectural training, Monindro often took me to me his favourite pub, Totos-garage at Pali hill, Bandra West. I remember the atmosphere, the mood of that place. And how that mood connected me to nostalgic memories of our pubbing during college days. How far removed from the scene, the crowd it made me feel. Lost amidst a sea of unknown faces. 
Yesterday, Saturday evening, Saturn Retro 2016, Sangeeta and i went out with her friends Ramiya and her hubby Jaikumar to The-piano-man Jazz club, opposite Deer Park. Jai was in the Navy, posted in Colaba, Mumbai, and after a long stint there, he had transferred to Delhi, to be with his wife Ramiya. All of us have a long 20+ yrs history in Mumbai, as Sangeeta and Ramiya used to work together after college, and Ramiya is from Mumbai.
The evening in Piano man was exact inverse of the evening at Toto's in 2009. There were too many known faces, musicians in the audience, and we interacted with the highly interactive and performing band Red Mawkin. Also Jaikumar was saying, he preferred Delhi over Mumbai, even though he was in hallowed/ exalted Navy, and posted in Colaba, the poshest southernmost tip of outh Mumbai. this was so contrary to the the usual Delhi- Mumbai comparison, I usually hear. Very, very strange...
The Mumbai training, Toto's etc of   Saturn Retro 2009, was reversing itself by Jaikumar's long dialectical discourse at The Piano man, this Saturn Retro 2016. The Mumbai trip of 2009 was casting it's exact mirror inverse/ shadow image in this Saturday evening at The Piano Man.. be updated...

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Retro 2016-11: Reversal of 2009 part 04: Narrow and Wide

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles), Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles)Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

General forecast for next two weeks 
Because of the complexity of my Saturn Retrograde blog posts, I hardly get feedbacks or comments on them. So, I have no idea, that any human creatures are actually reading them, except a very consistent, select few. But, this time, a lot of the silent audiences ACTUALLY called up with their feedbacks, and many Sun ruled, with the roster of their breakthroughs.
And this paragraph "General Forecast" is my response to the phone calls, feedbacks I have received.  Actually made me realize that beyond the pure Saturnine purpose of astrological research, and chronicling of experiences, and karmic redemption, my posts are being read by some actual humans, on whom my day to day astrological consultation is actually connected with...
... Narrow has become Wider..

Sun Ruled/ Saturn malefic: This Saturn Retrograde 2016, was an unique period for you to break existing levels of ennui, and, a lot of you have seized this opportunity for breaking ground, breaking dawn, breaking ice. But the next two weeks, until 8th June, being the last stretch the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase of Saturn retro 2016, still has a lot of potentiality to push this game, yet, one more step forward.

Saturn Ruled/ Sun malefic: This Saturn Retrograde 2016, was an generally horrible period of karmic clearing for  you, full of scheduled breakdowns, stagnation, regression, exile and ennui. And, a lot of you have experienced numerous breakdowns, regression, rock bottom, glacial ice ages, muddy waters, slippery grounds, etc. But still, the next two weeks, until 8th June, being the last stretch the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase of Saturn retro 2016, still has a lot of breakdowns, stagnation, regression for you to cross over.

The great Saturn retrograde of 2009...
In the last three posts Saturn-retro-2016-8: Reversal-of-2009, Part 1, and Saturn-retro-2016-9- Reversal-of-2009 Part 02, and Saturn retro-2016-10-reversal-of-2009-Part 03, I had discussed in detail, that,  how for me,  most Saturn Retrogrades after 2009, has mostly been a reversal of the great Saturn Retrograde of 2009. A landmark year of crash-down and disaster. Which, stands tall, as an example, a classic model, a foundation for all future Saturn retrograde research.
It's only through the mistakes of Saturn retro 2009, that I could finally confirm the powerful quality the annual 4.5 month long Saturn Retrograde period. It was in Saturn Retro 2009, where my astrological guide, teacher of Saturn Retrograde, T. N. Sarma, passed away on 13th April, 2009. But leaving behind this legacy of knowledge, as a foundation of research into saturn retrograde.
It was  the mega avalanche of Saturn Retro 2009, where I could realise the Saturn retro mistakes of this life, and many previous lifetimes.
And it was from Saturn Retro 2013 onwards, that I have been able to utilize the energies of this  period, for scheduled repetition, re-enactment and reversal of Saturn Retro 2009. Repetition, re-enactment and reversal of past events... to change their cycles of patterns ...

2009 and  2016
As discussed in the previous posts, in the the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase of Saturn retro 2009, I was in the last stages of the month long zen/ militaristic/ Architectural training programme under friend Monindro, at his place in Mumbai. A Sun ruled super-masculine disciplinary programme, based on Will to Power. But which was dwindling rapidly, towards the end two weeks of the the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase...
Like a ball in flight, reaching it's maximum height, before beginning it's journey downwards. 
Like the martial expedition, forward march, of Napoleons army.. entering a swampy, muddy ground at Waterloo. Like the expedition into the Amazon, in Werner Herzog's movie.. Aguirre, the_Wrath_of_God, where the invasion of megalomaniac Aguirre, finally crashes under mundane, malaria carrying, river mosquitoes.

Narrow and Wide..
Since Saturn Retro 2013, I have use the annual Retrograde period to regress into the narrowest recesses, backwaters of  personal/ visceral experiences. To Narrowly re-enact and reverse that classic disaster Wideness of Retrograde 2009.
BUT, this year Retro 2016, I have found that the scope of my my narrow historical personal experiences, seems to have extended their influences into a wider canvas of human events. My narrow research on Saturn retro seems to have extended it's magnetic influence on a widening social, political, geographical scenario.
And, as the energy of my Saturn Retro research has widened it's scope into a extended canvas, I, the researcher, become even more narrowly constricted, and squeezed into microscopic events..
..As the researcher researches the research topic, so does the research topic research the researcher. As the researcher looks deep into the research topic, so does the research topic looks deep into the researcher. As the researcher molds, formats, and edits the research topic, so does the research topic molds, formats, and edits the researcher
That's the only quantum/ way for true research...

...To be updated with more narrow inputs....

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Retro 2016-10: Reversal of 2009- 03: Disreal and Unreal

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles), Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles)Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Reversal of Saturn retrograde 2009- Summary
Dear friends, in the previous two posts Saturn-retro-2016-8: Reversal-of-2009, Part 1, and Saturn-retro-2016-9- Reversal-of-2009 Part 02, I had discussed in detail, that,  how for me,  most Saturn Retrogrades after 2009, has mostly been a karmic reversal of the great Saturn Retrograde of 2009, a landmark year, which stands as the classic model of crash-down and disaster. Wherein, for a saturnine person like myself, the mistakes during Saturn retrograde of many previous years (and probably of  many previous lifetimes), finally came crashing down in a mega avalanche of classic year 2009.

And how,  from Retrograde 2013 onwards, I have been able to utilize the energies of this Saturn Retro period, for some amazing repetition, replay, regression, and re enactment of past historical events.  Re- experiencing events from the past,  in a more revised, reoriented Saturnine manner....

Unreal  of 2009 and Disreal of 2016
As discussed in the previous posts the the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase of Saturn retro 2009, saw me entering a month long zen/ militaristic/ Architectural skills/ Life skills up-gradation training programme under friend Monindro, at his place in Mumbai. A very much Sun, Mars, Ketu super-masculine disciplinary training programme. But at the end of it, when I look at it was Unreal, at the best. Practical, masculine, steel bodied, yes, but deep down Unreal.

And in this year 2016, the yellow coloured, 3rd gear, Phase three phase of Saturn retro 2016, has spewed a vast amount of layered feminine Moon, Neptune, Venusian energies..  comprising seams of  social, medical, emotional, personal issues. Layers and layers of complex multi-layered seams, feminine, but very visceral, karmic and Diseal. Like the abominable layers of truths in any David Lynch movie.

The Unreal and the Disreal
 I first came across the terms Disreal and Unreal in the Roland Barthes book, A Lovers Discourse. Unreal denotes, fantasy, suspended belief, imagination, the suspended motion of a ball thrown up in the air, before it starts to fall, antigravity, satellites suspended in space, in orbit. Most of the Sci-fi/ fantasy, literature, movies of 50's, 60's, 70's was all about the Unreal, space, aliens, superheros and stuff.
And Disreal denotes the complex geological layers below ground level, below our ground reality, ancestral pasts, entanglements, forgotten histories, lodged inside ourselves, that we otherwise ignore and move forward, the visceral layers that comprise the innards inside each once of us, the mud, the swamp, the primitive bogs of karmic secrets. Most of the stories of H.P. Lovecraft, had the Disreal as their basic premise. Where, instead of weirdness, aliens being out there in far flung space, the humans had their ancestral roots as domestic farm animals of an ancient race of  monster aliens, the Elders, the Cthulhu...!!

Unreal  of 2009 and Disreal of 2016
As mentioned in the previous post Saturn-retro-2016-9- Reversal-of-2009 Part 02, \towards the ending stretch of the yellow coloured, 3rd gear, Phase three phase, the month long zen/ Architectural / Life skills training programme, was slowly running into muddy waters. The martial, mountainous expedition, the guts and glory, forward march despite/ against all odds, slowly started entering a swampy, muddy ground, like Napoleons army at Waterloo. Or like the end of Werner Herzog's famous movie.. Aguirre, the_Wrath_of_God!!!

Yellow energies becoming Blue
In Retro 2009, it was my first experience of the energy drop towards the end of Yellow phase. And how, the gradually diminishing Rajasic Yellow energies of 3rd gear  phase gradually began to convert into the psychedelic Blue energies of the Falling Retro phase. 
How, like in Werner Herzog's movie.. Aguirre, the_Wrath_of_God, the strong forward moving Sun, Mars, Ketu energies now began to convert into the Blue, hazy, psychedelic, layers of Venus, Neptune, Moon vibrations.

Fortuitous/ synchronous events
Originally, I was planning to write on a different perspective on this phase, BUT, a sudden unexpected, out of the blue phone call from an Uzan Bazar friend, who wasn't in touch for a zillion years, and who was now into supply of surgical instruments, and asking about contact number of a certain doctor from my past, put the whole Unreal/ Disreal perception of the Yellow/ Blue energies into another perspective altogether. The bizarre synchronicity, Dadaist absurdity of the morning call, proved that, in this highly Disreal phase of retro 2016, some freaky veins of the Unreal has already begun to seep in, creep in...
 And, also proves that, whatever it is that I set out to write, on Saturn retrograde, is ultimately completely transformed by the fortuitous, synchronous events, immediately happening around me...

Then and Now...
Even though that highly important daily journal from 2009 is missing, the memory from my many revisions over the past years, brings clearly to mind, that, by now, during Saturn Retro 2009 I had put in my first journal entries about the gradually diminishing Rajasic Yellow energies gradually beginning to convert into the psychedelic Blue energies.  Even though, I had NO idea of the prevailing Saturn Retrograde, I wrote of the energy change in terms of Universal state of things!

And, now thereafter, especially from Retro 2013 onwards, this period of the annual Saturn Retrograde, usually always finds me, deeply enmeshed into the most microscopic nuances, visceral details, micro-mechanics of the Saturn Retrograde phenomenon!
 I was just trying to read this post, seeing it in blog preview, to check the colour coding!
 I couldn't even read it myself! So heavy was the layers and references of the Saturn Retro phase! But then, what has the destiny to be narrated in detail.. has to narrated in detail! 
Even if it's just as a bedrock foundation for future data reference, astrological thesis/ archive...

... to be updated in installments.....

Friday, May 20, 2016

Saturn Retro 2016-9: Reversal of 2009- 02 Sky and Swamp

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles), Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles)Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Reversal of Saturn retrograde 2009- SummaryDear friends, in the previous post Saturn-retro-2016-8: Reversal-of-2009, Part 1, I had discussed in detail, that for me, how, most Saturn Retrogrades after 2009, has mostly been a karmic reversal of the great Saturn Retrograde 2009, a landmark year, where, the violations of many previous years of Saturn retrograde, (and probably of  many past lifetimes) finally came crashing down in one mega avalanche of catharsis and redemption.

But also, as discussed in detail in the previous post, from Retrograde 2013 onwards, I have been able to utilize the energies of this Saturn Retro period, for some amazing repetition, replay, regression, and re enactment of past historical events.  Re- experiencing events from my retrograde past,  in a more revised, reoriented Saturnine manner....

Reversal of Saturn retrograde 2009- part 1: summary
As discussed in the previous post Saturn-retro-2016-8: Reversal-of-2009 Part 1, the the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase of Saturn retro 2009, saw me entering a month long zen/ militaristic/ Architectural skills/ Life skills up-gradation training programme under friend Monindro, at his place in Mumbai. A very much Sun, Mars, Ketu super-masculine disciplinary training programme.
And how, this year 2016, from Monday 9th May itself, the yellow coloured, 3rd gear, Phase three phase of Saturn retro 2016, was full of highly layered feminine Moon, Neptune, Venusian energies..  comprising closest of people landing up in town, in highly social, medical, emotional, personal issues involving layers and layers of complex multilayered  seams of Moon, Neptune, Venus, energies.

Reversal of Saturn retrograde 2009- part 2/ today/ current..
Such an elaborate preface, of the previous two paragraphs though very tiresome was absolutely essential, for anyone who has understand, conceive, perceive the manifold complex layers of Saturn Retrograde, especially from the Saturnine perspective.

In Saturn retro 2009, the the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase saw me drowning into the Sun, Mars, Ketu disciplinary training programme.
And today, in Saturn retro 2016, yellow coloured, 3rd gear, Phase sees  me drowning into highly layered emotions of Moon, Neptune, Venusian energies..  completely...

Reversal of Retro 2009 & 2016: update 20th
In Retro 2009, I was centrally focused on my army like, architecture, life fitness training programme. On the lines of Nietzsches "will to power". A super-masculine, steel bodied, endurance programme at Monindro's place, Belapur, Mumbai, isolated away from all. Completely enraptured and focussed on the uphill task, the mountainous road of Guts and Glory..

Retro 2016 finds me unfocussed, distracted by the environmental issues, social, daily issues all around me. Work and personal issues gone to dogs. A flabby, foggy, drowsy, ill stomached, weak, crawling journey, at home ground, Delhi, and flooded with people, especially with female energies. Completely bogged down by domestic issues, because our landlords caretaker gone home, so in charge of the sudden water shortage, multi-layered domestic issues, downhill journey to a great swamp...

In Retro 2009, I was completely focused on my self, body mind tuning, lean, mean, steely warrior approach. Focus on Self, and Will to Power triumphing over all peripheral/ environmental issues.

In Retro 2016, I cannot even focus on my stomach problems, probable amoebic or fungal infection in my guts, haven't  even sorted tickets for back home journey, haven't been able to sort out my current monetary mess. Self at the cost of a seething flood-tide of peripheral/ environmental issues.

In Retro 2009, towards the ending stretch, the martial, mountainous, guts and glory, forward march despite/ against all odds, later did run into swampy, muddy ground, like Napoleons army at Waterloo. In fact, it was my first experience of the energy drop of the Blue phase of falling Retro. And also about the s-l-o-w-l-y decreasing forward impetus, Martian/ Solar energies towards the end of Yellow phase. Like how, a ball ultimately comes to stillness, suspended motion, at mid-air before eventually reversing it's direction downwards, ground wards due to gravitas.
Currently, in Retro 2016, I'm experiencing the exact mechanical process described above, in Reverse. But it's very difficult to explain, as opposed to the Retro 2009 illustration of a ball finally coming to suspended motion, at mid air.
As opposed to the Self/ Will to Power over environmental/ peripheral factors in Retro 2009, in Retro 2016, it's been the complete reverse... the Self getting totally derailed, Willpower getting completely submerged due to environmental/ peripheral factors. Fragmentation, dissemination, infected stomach, foggy brain. Even writing this particular post happened in many installments and after many delays. What I'm experiencing here, is the Soul, the Energy Core of the inertial heaviness of Retrograde's Yellow Phase, when the humongous, leviathan wheels of saturnine retrograde energy, halts to a close on 8th of June for a month till 8th of july, the Blue phase of Saturn Retro.
Not to forget, that, this year's Saturn Retro has been further complicated by the energies of retrograde Mars conjunct Saturn retro in Scorpio. AND Guru Ghandala yog in Leo, the conjunction of Rahu and Jupiter after every 7-8 years! Like I said, a multi-layered flood-tide of peripheral/ environmental complications entangling itself into Saturn Retrograde!!
At this juncture, I question myself, the function and purpose of my humongous layered accounts of Saturn Retrograde. The Examination of stillness and gravitas. All these narratives are on a Blog, not on any official book, textbook, or leather bound volume of astrological authority. The work itself is serious, elaborate and layered. But the function itself is completely obscure. My usual experience has always been.. people reading my posts, and saying, "we didn't understand it, explain it to us, in the good/ bad, do's/ dont's, simplified paradigm. 
BUT, the true undercurrent of Saturn Retrograde's function, is one of self doubt, self negation, review, reexamination, reprise, especially among the Saturn ruled people. An instinct that must have led to the birth of philosophy and metaphysics in the history of the human civilisation!! It was definitely a long forgotten season of Saturn Retrograde, that must have sparked, ignited and fuelled the philosophical gene in the evolutionary process of humankind...!!

... updated later.. .

Sky and Swamp: Retro 2009 and 2016

1st June, Wednesday: As a true hallmark of retrogression experienced by me, a Saturn ruled person during period, I'm updating this post (thanks to blogging), Retrogressing back in time from 1st June, Wednesday to 20 May, Friday. Wherein things are becoming extremely marshy, Neptunian, for me. As opposed to the Martian training campaign of 2009. Right now, I feel like a man with dissolved boundaries, complex multiplicities, like a water buffalo swamped in a marsh.....
A lot of Sun ruled people I know have testified to having reached sky heights during this period. And looking at the sheer strength of the Retrograde energies of 2016, I kindly ask them to continue, persevere till the 8th of June, to make the most of this powerful Solar energies.
Whilst many Saturnine like me, are experiencing Marshy, descent into the primeval bogs. Regression into one's swampy bogs of past origin. During Saturn Retrograde, the intent of the Saturnine function  is to purposefully elongate, extend, diffuse, disseminate and complicate. This back in time warp, update to a previous post is an example of that. 

Lucid Dream: Last night I had a dream about a relationship from my past in lucid, elaborate and extravagant detail. Even after waking up and having Liv 52 and Kumarasavya and sitting out in the terrace, the frightful sharp aftertaste remained. The lucid, elaborate and extravagant detail. seem to neutralise the efforts and history of the past ten years. But, there was no choice, I had to face it full on. Unravel those Retrograde aspects of my own sweet persona. Even as I've been struggling with this two months of vertigo, yet I've got to equivalently Retrograde into deep seated past issues. Enter into the bog of these swampy marshes that ooze with the backwaters of my subconscious.

Faculty 1990, Sec C, Whats app group: In the past three days, I have heavily connected to a Whats app group, Faculty 1990, our batch, section C. Despite past weird experiences, and fallouts, because of the timing of the Retrograde 2016, I am snap on, to our earliest back bench, classroom humour, and deepest childhood backwaters, instantly. I'm ingratitude to the  powerful Retrograde energies of Saturn during this period, for whisking all Saturnines so rapidly and seamlessly into the past. In fact, the energies of this group must have provoked the lucid, elaborate, extravagantly detailed dream, mentioned in the last paragraph.

X-Men: Days of Future Past: These past few days I've been viewing and reviewing X-Men: Days of Future Past , half recorded on Tata Sky. The quirky irony here is that the entire film didn't get recorded, rather the pre-climax meeting of the world leaders in Paris, onwards got recorded. It's quirky because I record the most unknown, low profile, but worthy movies with alarming accuracy. This partial recording of only the end part of the movie seems to correlate with the conclusion week of this entire two and half months (Red, Orange, Yellow) phase, check graph above, of Rising Retro, coming to an conclusion. And, in this Saturn Retrograde 2016, I have layered seams and seams of retrograde posts, links , hyperlinks to previous articles, retro histories, one upon the other, in an burgeoning heap of crumbling gravitas.
Later, I'm going to continue Sky and Swamp as a stand alone post, in the Future from where I come, namely 1st June, 2016. But the current text to happen in the past, like in the movie. Watching this Retrograde, back in time X Men, movie during this Retrograde period feels so awesome. Mentioning the movie itself, seems to have opened a valid doorway into the energies and electri-cities of/ from the past. I think, instead of this retrograde update to a previous post, if I had simply uploaded a new post titled "Retro 2016, x,y, z.. X Men: days of Future past", the subtle energy that I'm feeling, while typing this, in my fingers, skin, breath definitely wouldn't have occurred.
Because of the layers beneath layers, the retrograde energy is flowing at the bottom most, tail end of this previous post. Thanks to blogging, time jumps are convenient and methodical. Ultimately, this blogging kriya (process) is being undertaken, so that I can acknowledge, archive, intercept, cognize, and thus manage the retrograde energies in the most awesome way. 

As Edgar Allan Poe says in his tale Murder in the Rue Morgue (click link: Complete-tales-and-poems-of-edgar-allen-poe the game of whist or draught is far superior to Chess, in which all pieces have multifunctional complex moves.. be updated...

Friday, May 13, 2016

Saturn Retro 2016-8: Reversal of 2009

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles), Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles)Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Dear friends this is my eight post on ongoing Saturn Retrograde 2016. Today is the 53rd day of  retro 2016. As I explained in the earlier posts, this past ongoing phase has been incredibly strong, forward moving time and full of breakthrough for Rajasic, Shakti ruled Sun, Ketu, Moon, ruled people. Mars has been somewhat excluded from my usual Rajasic list of Sun, Moon, Mars, Ketu because Mars is currently retrograde and conjunct with Retrograde Saturn in Scorpio. As repeated a million times before, this is a very retrograde time for Saturn riled people.

In fact, for those Saturnine people, who can utilize the energies of this period properly, this period can facilitate a lot of  amazing repetition, replay, regression, historical re enactment of past events, namely recreating half boiled events from our past, so that we may experience them, in an more thorough and saturated manner.

Reversal of Saturn retrograde 2009
For me most Saturn Retrogrades after 2009, has mostly been a karmic pattern reversal of the great Saturn Retrograde 2009, one landmark year, where, the summation of many years of Saturn retrograde violations, (and probably of  many past lifetimes) finally came down crashing in one mountainous mega avalanche.
The reasons for which is explained in these post from Saturn retro 2013 in detail: Saturn-retro-2013-68: negation of negation and the Paris reverse posts: Saturn-retro-2013-69: paris-reversed 01, then Saturn-retro-2013-71: paris-reversed-03 but post 70 seems to be missing, then..Saturn-retro-2013-72: paris-reversed-04 and the last conclusive post of the series.. Saturn-retro-2013-72: paris-reversed-04.

Today, currently we have entered the one month long (coloured in yellow) Phase three, or the 3rd gear of 2.5 months of rising retro (check graph below)...

In 2009, in the last two weeks of the orange phase, I had landed up in Mumbai and got my missing certificates re issued, through a long humongous phase.
The the 3rd gear, Phase three(coloured in yellow)  phase saw entering a month long pact with my I friend Monindro, who said he would put me in a zen/ militaristic/ Architectural skills/ Life skills up-gradation programme, in which he would train me in both Architecture/ meditation/ discipline. And, as it sounds, it was a very much Sun/ Mars/ Ketu kung fu training kind of programme. Something Solar like the Will to Power, or some militaristic disciplinary programme.
in 2009, the  yellow coloured, 3rd gear, Phase three, was from 14th Feb to 14th March. My wife Sangeeta had dropped by just before valentines day, 14th Feb, on some work assignment, and Monindro, Sangeeta and me celebrated together, and she left, and my harsh Solar/ Martian militaristic programme began. Suudenly from Girhastha life, I entered a Sun, Mars, Ketu military school, with no phone, no communication, no social connection, a masculine super military training programme..

Inversely, this year from Monday, 9th May itself, the yellow coloured, 3rd gear, Phase three was full of highly layered feminine Moon, Neptune, Venusian, feminine issues, as closest of people, landed up in town, in the most multi-layered, Venusian, Neptunian social, medical, emotional, personal circumstances. And additionally many people, mostly women, suddenly chose to connect with me regarding long pending Moon, Neptune, Venusian, layered, emotional, issues. Suddenly, I was immersed into layers and layers of feminine energy of Moon, Neptune, Venus.. ,, complex multilyared terrains of layers of emotions and histories. Especially, a vast FLOODTIDE of feminie Neptunian energy in the most layered form...
Phase three Retro 2009 saw me in a desert like, solitary, Sun, Mars, Ketu harsh military training...
Phase three Retro 2016 sees me in a highly layered Moon, Neptune, Venusian journey of layers...

... to be contd......