Monday, July 13, 2015

Retro 2015-24: Ultra Retro: Paris Reversed 02

Dear friends, as discussed in the previous post, since the Paris trip of Ultra Retro 2009, in all the preceding years, the last week of the Ultra Retro period, the final concluding week of the 4.5 month long Saturn Retrograde, has always represented the inverse, inverse, redemptive, karmic recompense, shadow, of that fateful, windfall Paris trip. In fact, every year, my last concluding posts of Saturn Retrograde, always end under the title of Paris Reversed. Even after actually having created my first full length film on that Retrograde trip, and the hangover thereafter, the last week of Ultra Retro, the comprising the very last Retro energy period, and concluding week of annual 4.5 month Saturn Retrograde itself, will be maybe forever celebrated/ mourned or ritually observed by myself as a period of acute karmic redemption, and regression. As a personal testimony of the error and misappropriation of Saturnine energies, during the acute and intense Ultra retro period. When, a Saturnine ruled person should officially regress, and acutely rewind, the gross violation of moving forward, or indulging in "quantum leaps/ breakthroughs".
And, even as I thought the last so many uncountable posts were enough, the raw physical force of saturn Retrograde, the sheer force of physical circumstances, compel me to type out the words on this keyboard, and post the posts on Saturn retrograde.

Paris Reverse: Today's 13th July, the 18th day of Ultra Retro phase, of Saturn Retro. On the 18th day, of Ultra Retro 2009, I was fully mobilised, empowered, and moving around Paris. Having crossed over, my initial days of hesitation and recitation, I had become completely at home in this strange new city. And, today as a reversion, find myself crippled, paralyzed at my home ground. A truck accident at Panchsheel flyover completely jammed the Outer Ring road, and traffic was brought to a long standstill. I had get down from the auto-rickshaw, take a Metro to Malviya Nagar stop, then take a rick to the edge of Jahapanah forest, where the bottleneck again began, and walk across the forest short cut back to home. In all my ten years in Delhi, in this area, I have never witnessed such a acutely paralytic traffic bottleneck. Back home pending, mundane, household, problems rapidly transforming into meaningless arguments and energy sapping conflicts, rapidly descended my spirit to an all time low, moon in the gutter kind of feeling. And exact reverse of the rush of exploration, adventure, adrenalin of exploring an utterly magical, and romantic city as Paris itself. The anti gravity, magically buoyant feeling, floating head-rush has aptly transformed into a clogging, filthy drain, a gutter, a rotting pile of festering human heap of  the most utterly, ridiculous meaningless, mundane garbage of human existence!!
Louvre Reversed; On the 17th day of Ultra Retro 2009, namely 29th April, 2009, I had visited the great global Art lanmark of the Louvre museum. I was roaming

Retro 2015-23: Ultra Retro: Paris Reversed

Dear friends, we're at the final phase of Saturn Retrograde, 2015. Check graph above, the red hot Ultra Retro phase, this season is from 26th Jun to 17th of July. During this phase, there is a tremendous boost of Solar/ rajasic energies. Making this an exceptional window for breakthrough for Sun, Mars, Pitta, Rajas ruled people. And thus, a very acute period of regression, redemption, and rewind for all Saturn ruled people. Check page header: Saturn Retrograde

 In my initial years of research on Saturn retrograde, I had discovered that most of my major life events, all the major forward/ breakthrough events of my life were all during Saturn retrograde. Because of which, they never persisted in the long run, or as time passed, were a source of great headache, karmic redemption, sorrow and regret. However, as I gradually being using the periods of Saturn retrograde, for karmic clearing, regression, review, karmic repayment, once Saturn went directional, it showered me with various breakthroughs, openings, developments, over the year.

One such, landmark event, happened in the Saturn retrograde of 2009. From 2005 onwards, even after my increasing awareness of Saturn Retrograde, I had found many life changing events persistently continuing to take place during Saturn Retrograde. And, once retrograde ended, it was followed by vast seasons of regression and exile. This continuing semi conscious violations of Saturn retrograde continued until the landmark Saturn retrograde of 2009.
The first 2.5 months of Increasing/ Rising Retro found me back in Mumbai, getting my missing marksheets and graduation certificates from my college. I had got admitted into Sir J.J. College of Architecture during Saturn Retrograde of 1993, and here I was getting my complete certificates 11 years after I had passed out!! If that I was not enough, I plunged into a condensed, booster, training programme of archtectural training under my classmate and friend for a quantum breakthrough into architecture. Which, as the months unfolded became the classic retrograde German invasion of Russia during the cold Russian winter. Later as I returned to the home base of Delhi, during the month of Falling Retro, a lot of discussions and debates were underway about me accompanying my wife on her official work trip to Paris, as it would be a sudden windfall trip to an ultimate destination. And alas, I the great teacher of Saturn Retrograde theories, completely overlooked, that the Paris trip was perfectly and suspiciously scheduled on the final,  zenith days of Ultra Retro, namely the very concluding, peaking, Mount Everest apex of Saturn Retro 2009. And as it was Falling Retro, some Saturnine energies were still around, and I had quite some insight that I should maybe desist, but, as they say, Ketu Hetu Harai, meanings Ketu makes one lose theior senses, and ultimately I agreed to the undeserved Paris TRip. And the progressions, tickets, etc, etc went ahead.
On the very first day of the Ultra Retro period, my then astrologer guru T.N Sarma, passed away on his heavenly abode. The person, who has taught me all my astrological secrets, especially the physics and dynamics of Saturn Retrograde, had himself passed away on the very first day of Ultra Retro. As the days unfolded, I somehow couldn't even make it back to hometown Guwahati for his Swardha, ceremnoial ceremonies. And since the tckets were made, I went on ahead with the Paris Trip of ultra, zenith, solar, peaking, final days of Saturn Retro, 2009.
What happened after that? Many, many, many, not so nice things. And the effect continued for many preceding years, before I could reverse the error with and equivalent amount of regression, to balance out things. But, one thing is that the efforts of those years of redemption, culminated in my first movie After Paris, which despite being about many things, is personally my artistic expression about the Saturnine persons experience of Saturn Retrograde. And, now and forever, the final concluding days of Saturn Retrograde, namely it's 21 day Ultra Retro period, is completely conjucnt and synonimous with my landmark Paris trip of 2009. And my movie, After Paris.
And I have written many, many posts over the years where I equated the events of Ultra Retro as a significant recompense, direct symbolic inverse of the Paris Trip, 2009. Here, I'm giving some links..

This year Ultra Retro 2015
Few days before the Ultra Retro phase commenced, I told Dipankar Roy Karmakar, my energy guide, that someone known to me always passes away during this period. And, he told me that I should now reverse that pattern, break that ensuing pattern. And that's what almost happened, my sister sms'd on the very first morning of 26th June, that our close family friend Rupak was hospitalised in ICU, in GNRC due to severe chest pains. As the days unfolded, and he was finally released. But later, as the chest pains, rebounded with great intensity and my sister decided to take a call an got him to AIIMS, New Delhi, for a thorough check up. One thing led to another, and finally we got him admitted into ICU of emergency, where he was detected with water in the pericardia area ( surrounding the heart) due to tuberculous infection. Later as one and half litre of  water was removed from the area around his heart, the doctor told us, he could collapsed anytime, in the past few days. But because of various specific prayers, as guided by my energy guide Dipankar, he crossed the danger line, and by the blessings of the divine mother, he recieved a prompt, superb and proactive medical response from the great doctors of AIIMS.
The Past few days, since last Saturday, 4th of June, I have been mostly in AIIMS hospital campus, alternating with my sister in her shifts. In the last two days, we did get an attendant Vijayan to stay for the night. Reminded me of my father's total knee joint replacement (TKR) surgery in July 2009, at AIIMS, at AB-1 Ortho Ward. It was a long drawn out month affair. Which immedeatly followed after the return from the Ultra Retro Paris visit, in May '09. In fact from June itself, my father and sister reached Delhi, and the consultations with AIIMS doctors began. It took six years of Karmic balancing, but this year, Saturn Retro 2015, the AIIMS event has finally shifted it's energy from 2009, and finally occurred directly in the period of Ultra Retro itself. As how it was meant, in my Saturnine world. I am glad for the healing intervention of my energy guide Dipankar said, allowing the post Saturn retrograde, of the AIIMS event, to be finally shifted, reoriented, rescheduled to it's scheduled Saturnine timing in the cosmic order of things. Enabling me to finally override, balance out, neutralize the cosmic imbalance of Ultra Retro 2009.
Glory be to the Divine mother, who has the power to modify the unfolding patterns of Kaal/ Time, itself. And, as i repeat hundred times, in the corridor shot of After Paris... Jai Shanidev!!