Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Saturn Retro 2016-18: Falling Retro part 2: Innards

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles), Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles)Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Falling Retro: 6th June to 6th July; story so far..
Dear friends, as the ongoing discussion from the previous post Saturn-retro-2016-17-falling-retro-phase, we're in the phase of Falling Retro 2016 from 6th June to 6th July (check graph above).
I was discussing, my current experience of Falling Retro phase 2016, is the direct  reverse of the Falling Retro phase, 2009, where I was in a month long build up for that landmark, wrongly timed Paris trip 2009. Now, Falling Retro, 2009 is reversing itself.. in a massive Fall, decay that I'm currently experiencing.
In Falling Retro phase, 2009, friends who were urging me to embrace the windfall and accompany my wife on her office trip to Paris, are now, in Falling Retro phase, 2016, are urging me to return to Guwahati and start my own work, as soon as she returns from UK. In Falling Retro phase 2009, those who had asked me to plunge headlong into the Paris trip at the pinnacle of Ultra Retro phase are now, in Falling Retro, 2016, asking to abandon base, escape the heat, and scurry back home, at the exact same pinnacle of the pinnacle of  Ultra Retro phase, 2016. Talk about exact reversals/ turnarounds..

Falling Retro: part 2: entrails
29th June, today finds me at an extremely complex conjecture in time. Where, because of Vijay kate's Mac being in our office, I have begun the process of uncompressing the raw footage of my already long completed, feature length film After Paris with Bubka/ aka Sangram, my cousin, and cinemtaographer/ editor/ collaborator of the film. Once uncompressed, we shall attempt to edit it and take proper render of the entire film.. all over again.
Sorting through folders upon folders of randomly scattered footage, from different cameras, feel like sorting through the the vast innards, entrails of a long dead, long gone, great, gazzilionic beast, from a prehistoric dinosaur era. So vast are it's entrails, that we're drowning inside the coil of it's innards, viscera.. searching for a long swallowed friend, long lost, in the coils of it's vast intestines...
People always advice one to move on ahead, but right now in Falling Retro, 2016, we're taking a giant leap backward, plummeting behind into long gone dinosaur entrails.
ALSO the contrast of shift. Falling Retro phase, 2009, saw me enter a feminine/ Wife ruled space after almost two months of  masculine militaristic programme during Rising Retro. Whereas, Falling Retro phase, 2016, sees me enter a highly singular isolated masculine space after almost two months of feminine/ Wife ruled militaristic programme of  Rising Retro. Falling Retro phase, 2009, saw me enter from masculine to feminine space, whereas, Falling Retro phase, 2016, sees me enter a masculine space from a feminine space. This distinct shift is perfectly contrasting!
ALSO, as the days pass by, in Falling Retro, 2016,the great Gravitas of my wife's return to home base looms ahead, whereas in Falling Retro phase, 2009, it saw a Great Levitas of the windfall Paris trip approaching in stellar speed. And, the shadow of that event in 2009, is creating this sharp Fall in Falling Retro, 2016.

Falling Retro '16: The Fall
Remarkable, that after I returned from Paris, in 2009, I saw this movie by Tarsem Singh.. The Fall, which perfectly described the hangover, crashdown that was to follow years after that windfall trip @ ultra Retro 2009. Yesterday, someone was giving a hard disk of movies to a friend and it had only one movie by Tarsem.. The Fall! And I could completely connect to the energy of The Fall, during Falling Retro, 2016, as a shadow of the build up, adrenalin rush of the Paris Trip, 2009. Somehow, i always get signs or props from the environment that helps me gauge insight into the energies of prevailing astro transits.
.. to be updated....

Monday, June 27, 2016

Saturn Retro 2016-17: Falling Retro phase

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles), Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles)Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Falling Retro: 6th June to 6th July
Dear friends, as discussed in the previous posts, this year, we're in the phase of Falling Retro 2016 from 6th June to 6th July (check graph above). This one month long period represents an Oasis of  Saturnine energies in the otherwise Solar, Rajasic 4.5 month long period of annual Saturn Retrograde.
For me, even though the first two weeks of Falling Retro, was quiet, humdrum still and glacial, suddenly from 17th June onwards, it unfolded in an outburst of Saturnine movement and activity.  In fact, ten days into the blue phase, I was really beginning to get worried, as for us Saturnine ruled, it represents an improtant period of Saturnine indications, which are like a trailer, or preview of things to come, when Saturn ends it's retrograde motion, an finally goes directional for the next 8.5 months. However as discussed in the previous posts, Saturn-retro-2016-16-geographical reversal, I was earlier supposed to have been in hometown Guwahati, during this period. But because of some last minute synchronous events, stayed back in Delhi. And now, because of which, am experiencing an Geographical reversal/ inversion of my probable hometown trip to Guwahati.

Geographical/ Spatial Reversal for me... Part 2
As mentioned in my previous post, and earlier ones.. (Saturn-retro-2016-8: Reversal-of-2009, Part 1, onwards), most Saturn Retrogrades, for me have been a reversal of the great Saturn Retrograde of 2009. A landmark year of crash-down, which stands as a testimony for all future Saturn retrogrades to follow. The Saturn Retrograde of 2009 stands as a foundation, as a historical syllabus, a reference for all future seasons of Saturn Retrogrades.

And this year, much more than an historical/ event reversal, because of my cancelled trip to hometown Guwahati I'm experiencing this month long Falling Retro phase more in terms of a Physical/ Spatial/ Geographical reversal of the probable events/ experiences of the cancelled hometown trip.

Centripetal / Centrifugal forces.. 
One of our friends Vijay Kaate having home repair issues is using our office for his interior/ project to be completed within a deadline. Then Susmit, my recently shifted from Delhi back to hometown Guwahati, had also arrived in town for his father's treatment at Medicity. All in all, all these fortuitous, random events, movements have conspired for me to being completely centered around home ground, Gk2 itself. If I had been at hometown Guwahati, now, I would've been at the centre of Ambubachi mela at Kamakhya, at the CENTRIFUGAL CORE of a great energy storm, amidst a GIANT mega scaled religious pilgrimage of  millions of people!!!
Inversely, now here in Delhi.. despite all movements there is huge Centripetal force that has somehow managed to keep me within reach of the boundaries of home and hearth. An invisible centripetal force has kept me grounded in Delhi.
Despite the month long Falling Retro phase, the Geographical Reversal energies of my cancelled hometown Guwahati trip, seems to predominate the experience of this years Falling Retro phase.
I tapped into this current flow of Centripetal/ Centrifugal energies to add a long pending paragraph based on the Centripetal/ Centrifugal distinction of forces in my Rahu Ketu introduction in my Ketu Currents blog.

Outburst / Ennui 

The Geographical Reversal energies of my cancelled hometown Guwahati trip, has kept the usual release, volcanic outburst of the month long Falling Retro phase, at balance, at check by it's strongly emergent Centripetal force. Remembering the 1989 movie, Dead Calm starring Nicole Kidman and Sam Neill. The poster of this movie perfectly expresses my experience of this otherwise turbulent phase of Saturn retro 2016.

Whereas.. in hometown Guwahati I would have experienced a floodtide of Centrifugal outburst, here in Delhi, I'm experiencing an Centripetal crushing weight of Gravitas, upon my shoulders, neck area, my Cervical, spinal area, which might have been causing the vertigo, dizziness of the past so many months now. even though, meanwhile, I did an blood test for Vitamins B12 D3, and found it extremely low, and have just completed a five injection course of B12, to be now followed by an Oral vitamin Course. But the Doctor also said to do an X Ray of my neck, Cervical, Cervix.

.. updated later..

Update, 28th June.. 
Watched a movie, Whitewash, starring brilliant actor Thomas Haden Church, more famous for his villainous role as Sandman in Spiderman 3. This movie, kind of expresses the still, stagnant energies yet bristling with potent energies of this current Saturn Retro sub period. And these energies shine out, most so, as a direct Spatial/ Geographical inverse of my cancelled Hometown Guwahati trip. If I had been in hometown Guwahati, now, it would have been a great, and paranormal contrast to the energy of the movie Whitewash... a still, decaying, festering, mulling over, visceral, slow burning, smoldering, guys alone at home energy experience that I'm currently going through.
I can compare this, my current experience, as a reversal of the Falling Retro phase of Saturn Retro, 2009, wherein the preparations, ground work for that landmark, wrongly timed Paris trip was full underway. The paperwork, decisions, movements, etc for me accompanying Sangeeta to her office trip to Paris was full underway. The energy build of Falling Retro phase of 2009, is inverting itself by the massive decay that I'm experiencing in this current Falling Retro phase of Saturn Retro, 2016. Drowsy, weak, vitamin ultra deficiencies, low morale, fucked up, feeling....

Reversal of falling retro 2009 and 2016
Update: 29th June: As mentioned in the earlier paragraph, my current experience of Falling Retro phase 2016, is the direct  reverse of the Falling Retro phase, 2009. Wherein, the high build up, ground work for that landmark, windfall, wrongly timed Paris trip was full underway. Hence, now reversing itself.. by the massive Fall, decay that I'm experiencing.
In Falling Retro phase, 2009, many friends were urging me to take the plunge, embrace the windfall, to accompany my wife on her office trip to Paris. Now, in Falling Retro phase, 2016, those same friends are urging me to return to Guwahati and start my own work, as soon as she reaches back to Delhi from UK.What a contrasting turnabout!! Jai Shanidev!
Then, in Falling Retro phase, 2009,everyone around asked me to dump all my reservations and simply plunge into the Paris trip at the height/ pinnacle/ Ultra Retro phase of  Retro 2009. As soon, as I reached back to Delhi, the Centrifuge of peripheral urging ons, cajolings, vanished, dissolved into thin air. Such is the power of Saturn Retrograde!!
And now, in Falling Retro phase, 2016, people around are asking to abandon base, escape the heat, the music, and scurry back home, at the pinnacle of scheduled Karmic catharsis of the concluding Ultra Retro phase, 2016. Then in Falling Retro phase 2009,as I let the peripheral encouragements pump adrenalin into me, now in Falling Retro phase 2016, I'm letting, allowing, cooperating with the peripheral discouragements to drag me down. Only if in atonement, for the corresponding heady, airy violations of Saturn Retro 2009..
What fascinates me perpetually about such correspondences between different years of saturn Retrograde, is that almost exact GEOMETRIC inversion of events, emotions, experiences, perspectives, and energy unfolding. With each saturn Retrograde, I somehow try to Re-write, Re-codify the energy patterns of my prior Saturn Retro mistakes. The correspondence of events between Saturn Retrograde seasons, SEVEN years apart, Retro 2009 and 2016 is truly mind boggling!
... to be updated....

Saturn Retro 2016-16: Geographical reversals

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles), Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles)Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Falling Retro: 6th June to 6th July
Dear friends, in the previous posts I have discussed that we're in the one month long  phase of Falling Retro 2016 (check graph above). This one month phase, is a period of very different energies  before the final concluding phase of Saturn retro 2016, the three week long acute, super sharp, hyper rajasic Ultra Retro phase from 6th July to about 27 July this year.
Every year I find the energies of this one month long Falling Retro phase a period of very variable, variegated, differential energies. This one month long phase of Falling Retro constitutes a in-between, inter-phase is very interesting as it shows increasing saturnine energies in the otherwise highly Solar, Rajasic phase of the annual four and a half month long period of Saturn Retrograde. And this year what I'm experiencing is a Geographical Reversal.

Geographical Reversals
As discussed in many previous posts.. Saturn-retro-2016-8: Reversal-of-2009, Part 1, and Saturn-retro-2016-9- Reversal-of-2009 Part 02, and Saturn retro-2016-10-reversal-of-2009-Part 03, and  Retro-2016-11-reversal-of-2009-part-04: most Saturn Retrogrades, for me have been a reversal of the great Saturn Retrograde of 2009. A landmark year of crash-down which, stands as a a foundation of  energy and historical reversals of future Saturn retrograde syllabus. But this year I'm experiencing the month long Falling Retro phase more than a historical event reversal in terms of a kind of Spatial/ Geographical reversal..
Geographical reversal: research I was supposed to have been in hometown Guwahati, as my wife left for her one month long trip to the UK to visit her sister. But, because of some last minute reasons, and developments, the trip back home began to be postponed, on and on, until, it's been already more than 10 days, that I've hung around in Delhi. and am experiencing this month long Falling Retro phase period as a complete Geographical Reversal of  my probable hometown Guwahati trip.
In the many inversions, and reversals experienced in Saturn retrogrades before, this is the first time that I'm experiencing something as a spatial inversion, Geographical reversal of a probable alternative journey, that did not happen..
I had explained in my previous post: Saturn-retro-2016-15-terminator-genisys how this year retro 2016, has become like the Terminator_Genisys storyline, where many previous events, interventions, reversals have overlapped, since that Nexus/ landmark Paris trip year of Saturn retro 2009, upon which I was compelled to make my first feature length movie After Paris.
And the journey finds me latest aspect of this reversal of saturn retro 2016, is the Geographical reversal of my scheduled return to  Guwahati trip, that was supposed to, but hasnt happened so far...

A Geography of Clouds/ Non space
By and by I found myself landing up at the peers-2016 residency at Khoj where many student/ artists showcased their works, that were oozing with the freshness, vibrancy of young bustling creative souls at work, solid/ void space interpretation of Smita-rajmane, the unraveling multi medium, multi dimensional mosaic like unfolding of Arijit-bhattacharyya, the cathartic, fractured, heartfelt narratives of  Jjohnson-kshetrimayum the sensual, reptilian humour, erotic, irreverent, quirky, dark pulpy graphic work of  Manojit-samanta and the floating anti gravitational gazing masks installation of Anuradha-upadhyay.
Suddenly, in a Retrograde mood, I recalled the geographical/ spatial inversion of my Louvre museum trip, in that Saturn Retro of 2009. Whereas a vast distance had seprated me from the classical, infinitely familiar standing betwixt the gravity/ anti-gravity of floating masks, I pondered at these young artists. I had visited them two nights before, where I could interact at length with their work in progress. Poring inside the metadynamics of their creative process, I could find my own former retrograde selves, residual ghosts of my personal loss/ longing/ fear/ aversion/ desire floating in their works. This random intersection at Khoj, felt like a scene out of the  Terminator_Genisys storyline, where we/ I traverse in future/past probabilities, meeting our alternative selves carry out their individual alternative parallel realities.

Louvre museum 2009 reversed...
Standing amidst the haunting looming, masks of Anuradha-upadhyay,  I felt a distinct reversal of my classic Saturn Retro 2009, Paris Trip, especially a inversion/ reversal of the day i visited the Louvre museum.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Saturn Retro 2016-15: Terminator Genisys

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is  preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles)Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles),  Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Crossover into Blue phase
Dear friends, in the previous post: Saturn-retro-2016-14: Crossover day I had written in detail about how from 6th June onwards, we have crossed into the blue phase of Falling Retro 2016 (check graph above) This one month phase, is from 6th June to 6th July this year. It's a period of period of respite for the Saturnine ruled, and a chilled out, somewhat relaxed period for the Sun ruled. 

Kendra Houses: 1st-7th and 4th-10th houses of horoscope
Dear friends, sorry for the delay, but the week was like that. On 7th June, I spent the evening at my friend Ravi Deka's place,  chilling out. During our discussions, we mulled over various horoscopes, and significant, was that all the horoscopes we discussed, had karmic issues in their kendra houses.. 1st- 7th house and 4th- 10th house of the birthchart. The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th are the Kendra houses of one's horoscope.
1st- 7th house: 1st house denotes self, individuality, identity, personality, character and 7th house denotes marriage, business partnerships, relations, transactions, how we relate to others.
4th- 10th house: 4th house denotes mother, home, emotions, internal issues, subconscious, etc and 7th house denotes father, work, professions, action, willpower, and worldly manifestation.
I have 4th- 10th house karmic issues, as I have Jupiter debilitated in my 4th house, directly aspecting the 10th. And in Bhava Chalit chart, Ketu verging on 10th house. Most people I strongly connect with have 1st-7th house karmic issues, while having very strong 4th- 10th house potentials. I learn from them, and they learn from them. Constantly.
Next morning, saw me accompany him into industrial areas of Janakpuri, giving a hands on approach in the creation process of a new fuel efficient optimum combustion stove, which would provide optimum fuel solutions for the middle income groups. It was based on his insights into fuel combustion, working with emulsifiers. Since childhood, I had seen him tinker with bike engines, and other hardcore machinery to modify, tweak, and optimise fuel based machines and engines. Following him through the trails of machine shops, welding units, hardcore machinery lanes of Chawri bazaar, I remembered the reruns of  the Terminator series that I had seen over the past week, And which later in the week,  gave a kind of insight into the energy nature of this year's blue phase of Falling Retro, 2016...

Terminator Genisys in Saturn Retro 2016...
As I saw the Terminator_Genisys movie, I felt the action slightly below expectation, compared to the  original Terminator and Terminator 2 movies. BUT, the screenplay had one very interesting, even Terminator_Genisys , the storyline consisted of many multi layered time-loop ironies connecting the past and the future. People visiting their younger selves, and revisiting alternative realities of the same event, alternative probabilities of the same historical timeline. A dense interconnection between layers of pasts with many probabilities of the future. And, I feel, clearly reflects my own experience of the blue phase/ Falling Retro phase of Saturn Retro 2016...
though complicated aspect in the storyline. Every movie, they send someone back in time.. be it evil robot/ machine/ human saviour. And, finally in
I have written in many previous posts about Saturn Retro 2009, a landmark year, or as Arnold says in the movie.. a "nexus event". A significant/ historical event in time.. replayed, and revisited, time and again. And which becomes a foundation for future events. Exactly like the Terminator Genisys movie. Many years of previous retrograde pasts, regressions, entangling with the vast energy of future probabilities. Also, exactly like in the movie, there's no such unique grandiose event, but more smaller events, more installments of a series of highly synchronized/ interconnected events.... be updated.....

Monday, June 6, 2016

Saturn Retro 2016-14: Crossover Day

Dear friends, the annual period of 4.5 months of Saturn Retrograde this year, 2016, is from 24th Mar- 14th Aug. This is my fifth consecutive year of posting online about Saturn retrograde. And, is  preceded by detailed notebooks of observation about this period since 2005. The detailed concepts of Saturn Retrograde are here in this blog header titled Saturn Retrograde, just below the blog picture. The links to me previous articles online are: Saturn Retro 2012 (2 articles)Saturn Retro 2013 (70 articles),  Saturn Retro 2014 (11 articles) and Saturn Retro 2015 (15 articles)

Crossover into Blue phase
Dear friends, in the previous post: Saturn-retro-2016-13-max-retro-velocity I had written in detail about the five days of max retrograde velocity of Saturn Retro 2016 from 1st June to 5th June which degree wise for the year 2016 is 0'04"27'". From, today, 6th June onwards, the blue phase of Falling Retro begins.. which lasts one month, and this year is from 6th June to 6th July (check graph above). This one month period of Falling Retro is a  period of respite for the Saturnine ruled, and a chilled out, somewhat relaxed period for the Sun ruled. After this one month phase is the Final Concluding, Super Solar Charged three week phase of Ultra Retro, from 6th July to 27 July. This  extremely intense Ultra Retro phase draws to a conclusion of the 4.5 month long annual drama of Saturn Retrograde! Jai Shanidev!

Reversal of Retro 2009
Friends, in my four Reversal of 2009 posts: Retro-2016-8: Reversal-of-2009, Part 1, and Retro-2016-9- Reversal-of-2009 Part 02, and Retro-2016-10-reversal-of-2009-Part 03, and Retro-2016-11-reversal-of-2009-part-04  and even the supplementary part of the previous post Saturn-retro-2016-13-max-retro-velocity, I have discussed in detail, how for me, almost all Saturn Retros after 2009, has been a Cosmic reversal of the great Saturn Retrograde of 2009. A landmark year of crash-down and disaster, yet which, stands as a foundation for all my Saturn retrograde research and endeavors. And similarly, today, I would like to draw contrast of the Crossover phase of 2009 and now in 2016..

PERFECT Synchronization between Saturn Retro 2009 and 2016
Then, in Saturn Retro 2009: After the month long Martian/ masculine/ militaristic/ Architectural training programme under Monindro, my return train journey from Mumbai to Delhi was EXACTLY on the exact day of CROSSOVER from the  concluding max retrograde velocity of the yellow phase/to the blue phase of Falling Retro, 2009. 

 Now, in Saturn Retro 2016: My wife and elder sister flight to UK is EXACTLY on the exact day of CROSSOVER from the  concluding max retrograde velocity of the yellow phase/to the blue phase of Falling Retro, 2016.
SEVEN YEARS LATER there is this bizzare/ super-Ultra PERFECT SYNCHRONIZATION between the the Crossover Day(s) of Saturn Retro 2009 and 2016.. read on..

ANTIGRAVITY, in Crossover, Retro 2009: Exactly on the exact Crossover Day of yellow to blue phase, I was on a train returning from Mumbai to home base Delhi, after the month long Martian/ masculine/ militaristic/ Architectural training programme.
Despite everything, I was experiencing a strangely high surge of ANTIGRAVITY, UNGROUNDED, Uprooted feeling on the exact date of the Crossover Day of Retro 2009. An Uprooted feeling of UNGROUNDED ANTIGRAVITY, that last throughout the two day train journey from Mumbai to Delhi, before I finally landed up, back in home ground of Delhi.

GRAVITAS, in Crossover,  Retro 2016: Exactly on the exact Crossover Day of yellow to blue phase, I am at home alone, after my wife and her elder sis, have finally left to UK to visit their youngest sis recovering from illness. After the past so many months of Martian/ masculine/ militaristic/ build up to this trip, some highly Sun/ Mars ruled people connected to me have finally taken flight on the exact Date of the Crossover Day of Retro 2016.
Despite everything, I was experiencing a strangely overwhelming tug of sheer GRAVITAS, GROUNDED-ness, Rooted HEAVINESS on this exact date of the Crossover Day of Retro 2016. More so, because I did not return back home on this exact date as earlier planned, I am feeling the Sheer Grounded Gravitas at  home base MUCH MORE! Sitting in the sudden/ quiet emptiness of home base, as if the sheer force of Crossover Day, 2009, has cast it's this shadow Inversion of Gravitas upon me, with it's EXACT symmetric inverse! Going by the two day train journey of Crossover day, 2009, this Sheer Gravitas should last for the next two days, today and tomorrow!!

Then, in Crossover Day, Retro 2009: On the Crossover day, 2009,  my JJ Arch classmate "Dholea", Ranjith P, my newly reconnected, similarly exiled cosmic twin of the lost architectural journey,  had shown up at Kurla station, to see me off, on my return train journey, back to home base. The past few days i had connected to Ranjith, Hamlyn and others, who had got stuck up, lost in the architectural course. His arriving at Kurla station, gave me a buzz of a comrade like, lost brotherly quality. That seemed to tie all of us, lost architectuarl souls, in an Un-Real, surreal, sublime, karmic connection. And, for the first time, the  past month of the Martian/ masculine/ militaristic/architectural training programme seemed to make perfect sense. By the Un-real adrenalin buzz of Uranus, higher cosmic perspective, of our Lost cause, to be supported mission!!
On Crossover Day, Retro 2009: Despite everything, I was experiencing the buzz of the Un-Real, a Utopian higher mission, idealistic energy, a great adrenalin rush, against all odds quality, best expressed by the sign of Capricorn!!
Now, in Crossover Day, Retro 2016: On the Crossover day, 2016, I stayed at home and watched Munich (2005 film), again, from halfway onwards. Wherein, the top secret Martian/ masculine/ militaristic/ mission to revenge the assassinated sportsmen, slowly falls apart, as the secret agents are Martian/ masculine/ militaristic/ missions, especially by the Saturnine ruled, during Saturn
retrograde. It always runs aground into swampy waters, uncertain marshy lands!!assassinated themselves, face lots of internal psychological problems, run aground into swampyAthough I have watched this movie many times, albeit fleetingly, but watching this from halfway onwards on this crossover day made me feel the sheer heaviness of the Disreal! On the Neptunian, Marshy, qualities of the misplaced Martian/ masculine/ militaristic/ missions, undertaken during Saturn Retrograde!
On Crossover Day, Retro 2016: Despite everything, I am experiencing the sheer Gravitas  of the Dis-Real, the Dystopian quality of unreal Martian/ missions of my past (lives?). Homebound, domestic stillness, a great lethargic ennui, surrender to centrifugal forces,  best expressed by the sign of Capricorn!!
Munich Summary: As I randomly watch this movie in this Crossover perspective, it makes me realize that, any Sun, Mars, Ketu, Uranus ruled people who could utilise the enrgy of these two Crossover days, today and tomorrow properly, can actually become a nuclear/ core/ central power deciding the fates and lives of many other people. Truly!!

... updated later in segments...

Crossover Day, 6th Jun, 6:04 pm: On Crossover Day, Retro '09, I was on the train back to home ground, Delhi. Reverse Movement. Whilst today, as a symmetric inversion of Crossover day Retro 2009, I'm truly stagnating in a Forward(?) Stillness? In 2009 it was a day of horizontal movement, even if it was a regressive sort of motion, a recall to Home ground/ base of Delhi.
Whereas, in symmetric inversion, today I'm in a extremely Vertical shaft of gravitational Drag! I feel the weighted gravitas so strongly upon me. Stagnating at home,even as the weather changes from a MONTH long stretch of the hottest, most horrible summer to a cloudy, magical, windy day.
Suddenly our common friend from Mumbai called to announce that my friend Monindro's father had passed away a week back. He was in Imphal, looking after his father, and finally he passed away. I tried calling him, but could not connect!
Disconnection/ Reconnection: Bizarre, that a my friend, the Zen master trainer from Retro 2009, is abruptly/ sharply making a re-apperance on the EXACT Crossover Day, which in 2009, I had left/ Disconnected with Mumbai and Monindro. The very EXACT Crossover day 2009, which I had made a dis-connection with Mumbai and Monindro, is the very EXACT Crossover day in 2016, which  Mumbai and Monindro, after a loong time is spontaneous/ bizarrely Re-Connecting with me!
One difficulty I experience while narrating Retrograde phenomena, is having to explain it too much, instead of noting down the sheer core/ Ore of sharp repetition, synchronicity and connection..
Anways, going by the symmetric inversion of 2009, in two days, I would maybe considerably discontinue with these intense narrations/ narratives of these Saturn retro notes. 
Horizontal movement and Vertical Drop: In Crossover Day, Retro '09, the train journey back home signified a Horizontal motion after almost a week of rapidly building up stagnation. Whilst today, in Crossover Day, Retro '16, the EXACT symmetric inverse of '09 is happening: after almost a week of rapidly building up movement, today was a sharp vertical Drop of Sheer unimaginable Gravitas and I find myself almost mechanically grounded at home!
Despite, no such labour, I find an paranormal stiffness of the thigh muscles, joints. The shadow of Crossover 2009 is casting it's ghostly symmetric inversion upon me. Such is the power of Saturn retrograde's magnetic prowess.
Automatic Retrogression: Also, this last few paragraphs of segmential updates, will be hardly be read by anyone/ most, as it's TOO far down the blogpost, and AFTER a long stretch of somewhat elaborate Retrograde narrative. As I sit here and type, i see visions of my grandparents place/ childhood memories of Nowgong town ( i say as Now Gone town, because the grandparental place has been long sold, long, long back). This sudden grey weather day reminds me of a childhood day in Nowgong, with similar windy, cloudy grey afternoons. Today, the Crossover day is creating it's own magnetic energies.
Then, in 2009, I was in movement yet Coccooned in the chair car of Garib rath express from Mumbai to Delhi. Today, in 2016, inversely I'm in great stagnation, yet the Skies and Weather have opened up, in an amazingly contrasting sudden magical windy way. Within becomes without, personal becomes external environmental manifest, for me on the trail of the Saturn retrograde phenomenon.

... updated later in segments...